Ἀγεωμέτρητος μηδεὶς εἰσίτω

Came down from the mountain


Single copy. Ceramic and stainless steel. Underglaze painting, sgraffito. Size 800 x 800 mm.


The sundial is made and installed in 2016 in the village of Vilabertran (Girona, Catalonia). Great-grandfather of the current owners of the house was a poor shepherd in the mountains. However, his life has changed somehow. He managed to build a big house, and the fifth generation of his descendants lives there. The motto on the sundial is: «I went down from the mountains and founded Rome.»

I did drawings and mathematical calculations, my friend and co-developed Roser Raluy created the image and made it in technique of underglaze painting. The gnomon to reduce the budget the customers have made themselves. So it turned out that the whole set is not very expensive and closely resembles the local art traditions.