Ἀγεωμέτρητος μηδεὶς εἰσίτω

Christ alone is my salvation


Brass, limestone. Engraving, patina. The size of the brass dial is 500 x 700 mm. The size of the equation of time table is 430 x 380 mm.


The instrument is set October 21, 2015 on the southern wall of the Sunday School of the Church for our Lady of Kazan in the village Glebovo, Istra district, Moscow region. The dial has two scales. The outer one is to measure time at the meridian of the village of Glebovo. The inner scale is to measure time at the meridian of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Gnomon is equipped with the nodus. On the day of Orthodox Christmas (January 7), the nodus shadow follows a specially designed curved line crossing the dial from the left to the right. Near the sundial the table of the equation of time is set. The text of the table is designed by the priest of the Church for our Lady of Kazan. The design of the dial is designed in collaboration with the parishioners the church for our Lady of Kazan. With the help of the table, you can calculate the mean standard time. The sundial decorated with the image of the church of our Lady of Kazan and with the motto «Christ alone is my salvation.» At the top of the dial, a 14-pointed star is engraved similar the one installed  in a place where the Saviour was born.

Installation and production of stone frame are made by «KDK Master, Ltd»