Ἀγεωμέτρητος μηδεὶς εἰσίτω

Irish monastic sundial


Limestone, copper, brass, gold 24 K. Height 770 mm. Width of 700 mm. Weight of about 50 kg. The thickness of the gnomon 5 mm.

Price 140 000 R.

Attantion! Pedestal excluded.



The sundial is designed for geographic coordinates of Moscow but can it be installed in a radius of 300 km from it. In Ireland, in 10 — 11 centuries the sundials like that were installed near the monasteries and churches. Some of them have survived until now. The sundials of this shape are very rare in other parts of the world. In Russia, a sundial of this type has never been.

The instrument is a generalized archetype of an Irish sundial. After examining the available sources of information and reading the book by Mario Arnandi «The ancient sundials of Ireland», I concluded that this is what I would have made if I lived in Ireland for a thousand years ago.