Ἀγεωμέτρητος μηδεὶς εἰσίτω

Japanese lanterns-brothers


Single copy. Limestone. Natural aging. Height 1580 and 1100 mm. Weight 270 and 130 kg.

Price 230 000 R. Attention! The brothers are not sold separately.



The younger brother (the one that is slim) is a centurion of the first Tokugawa shogun. He enjoys the confidence of his sovereign. He is handsome, rich, and he is surrounded by beauty. Older brother (the lower one) lives in a village, knows well how to cook rice vodka and he is inclined to believe (especially in the morning) that beating is not quite what he'd like to receive daily from his wife.

Japanese lanterns are very varied in shape, size and location in traditional Japan garden. However, the only one idea underlies this diversity. Every stone lantern has a feet supports (or base), the roof, and the «house» for the fire between them.

These Japanese lanterns-brothers have shared family traits. They can be installed in a garden close to each other, to make a silent conversation between them and, thus, to show the strength of family ties. Nevertheless, they can be placed in different parts of a garden. Sometimes family members know about each other, but prefer not to talk.