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Geographic coordinates
The sundial functions as a precision instrument only at a point of the planet for which it is delineated. Being removed to another place the sundial turns into a useless garden decoration.

Like the motto of the knight shield it expresses the owner attitude to life. There is a large collection of mottos, both traditional and original. CARPE DIEM - live for the present. This classic traditional motto was first used by Horace.

Compass rose
When installing, the sundial is to be oriented to the cardinal points. This compass is eternal, and its accuracy does not depend on local magnetic anomalies and solar magnetic storms.

Nodus is a point on the gnomon. The position of the nodus shadow depends on the calendar date and time of the day. At any time of the day, its shadow is located in the predicted place on a dial that corresponds to the sun's declination. Nodus is used to detect the events associated with the value of the declination: the day and time of birth, the day and time of wedding etc.

Gnomon casts the shadow on a dial. The shadow direction depends on the time of day. Gnomon shape depends on the geographic latitude and must be specially designed. The gnomon is used to record time.

Standard time in the installation place
This scale measures the Central European summer time on the meridian of Saint Jean-Sar, Belgium. This scale is designed for the geographical coordinates of the installation place. In summer, its reading coincides with a watch in the time zone GMT +1.

Local time in Berkeley
The scale measures true solar time and it is designed for the geographical coordinates of the Emily birthplace. In summer, the scale slows for 1 hour 10 minutes as compared to a watch.

Standard time in Berkeley
The scale measures day light sawing time of the Pacific time zone in the city of Berkeley. In this town Emily was born. From Belgium where this sundial is installed and where Emily lives now, this city is divided by 8 time zones. An indication of the scale coincides with the watches in the U.S. Pacific time zone.

Good wish expressed in verse
This is the lines by Constantine Cavafy who is the favorite poet of Emily and Rene parents. “As you set out on your journey, hope your road is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery”.

Copyright mark
The copyright mark usually consists of author's name, the year and the place of manufacture. Sundial is not a mass-scale product. It is made by hand, in a single copy, and is signed by the author.

Anniversary line
The anniversary line is used to register the anniversary event (wedding, birthday, the end of a house building, etc.). It is to be calculated for any day of the year. For example, this anniversary line is designed for August 6 – the day wedding. On this day, the shadow casted by nodus crosses the dial along this line.

Anniversary point
Anniversary point records the time of an anniversary event. On this sundial, the nodus shadow falls on the anniversary point at 1:30 pm - the time of registration of marriage in the local town hall.

The names of the sundial owners
The wedding is exactly the case when the names should be written on bronze.

The anniversary date
August 6th, 2010 at 1:30 pm. It is not only the day and hour of the wedding. This date has a real astronomical meaning. On this day, the sun declination is 16 ° 34'11'', and the shadow of nodus follows along the Anniversary line.

Local time in the installation place
The scale measures the true solar time. It is designed for the geographical coordinates of the place of installation. In summer, its reading slows for 1 hour 37 minutes as compared with a watch.