Ἀγεωμέτρητος μηδεὶς εἰσίτω

The Museum of Aleks Boldyrev studio


Reinhold Kriegler – a philosopher, gnomonist and the founder of the Museum of Aleks Boldyrev Studio, has made his first sundial in 1997 and dedicated it to his grandmother.

Many years ago, my friend Reinhold Kriegler began to publish some of my ideas and photos. Over time, his web page has evolved into a kind of museum. This museum exhibits showpieces that even I do not have at my disposal. This is not surprising! As a Russian, I start to panic if there are more than one documents on my desktop. Unlike me, Reinhold Kriegler keeps in his house in perfect order more than two hundreds paintings and a large number of documents.  And he always knows where they are!!!

Welcome to the museum of
Aleks Boldyrev studio.

Here is the access button.муз англ

Then, be sure to read his article on the sundial in Frankfurt am Main in Russian or in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan. Аnd, please, visit the page Reinhold Kriegler has created specifically for this sundial.

My friend Reinhold R. Kriegler, also called Rinaldo Rinaldini, der Räuberhauptmann, is a good friend and an excellent dancer. Here's the proof. Click the picture.